Child Safety Policy 

Policy creation date: November 2022. 
Policy review date: November 2023. 
Policy review by: Samantha Joan Wynn, Owner of The Still Space

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety 

Samantha Joan Wynn, as Sole Trader of The Still Space [detailed herein as "teacher"] is committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety and care for any child within care during any programs run at 1/1033 Old Princes Highway, Engadine [detailed herein as “the studio"]. As part of that ongoing commitment, below are specific and clear guidelines that detail the arrangements and obligations of teacher, parents, and carers. It is intended that through transparent and respectful collaboration between the teacher and parent and/or carer that the safety of the child is always maintained. The Still Space, will maintain a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of all children and young people are respected and valued, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, or gender.

Child Safe Policy 


This policy is intended to:

  • Demonstrate commitment to the safety and welfare of children and young people.

  • Minimise the risk of abuse, misconduct, and misuse of positional power.

  • Detail how The Still Space can build and maintain a child safe environment which is inclusive, transparent and promotes children’s participation.

  • Detail a child-safe policy that is in alignment with the NSW Child Safe Standards

Scope and audience

This policy applies to:

  • Sole trader, Samantha Joan Wynn as sole provider of services to children under the age of 18 years old,

  • Children under the age of 18 years old attending services at 1/1033 Old Princes Highway, Engadine NSW 2233.

  • Parents and Carers.

This policy includes:

  • All services that include children in the care of The Still Space. Including but not limited to Mindful Minis Creative Arts Program and School Holiday Creative Arts Workshops.


As the sole trader of The Still Space, Samantha Joan Wynn is responsible for the care of any child while attending classes at 1/1033 Old Princes Highway, Engadine NSW 2233.


“Teacher” refers to Samantha Joan Wynn, business owner and sole trader.

“The Studio” refers to the premises for classes held at 1/1033 Old Princes Highway, Engadine NSW 2233.

“Parents and Carers” refers to the legal guardian of the child.

“The Still Space” refers to the registered business entity owned by Samantha Joan Wynn.

Note The Still Space, Teacher, Sole Trader, and Business Owner all refer to Samantha Joan Wynn and are used interchangeably throughout this document.


This policy contains details, arrangements and further information regarding:

  • Supervision of children

  • Managing drop offs and pick ups

  • Online communication, social media use, photography, and the use of images

  • Physical contact with children

  • Illness and injury management

  • Mandatory reporting requirements

Related legislation, regulations, and standards

  • Legislation relevant to the work undertaken includes:

  • Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012

  • Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998

  • Crimes Act 1900

  • Disability Inclusion Act 2014

  • Anti-Discrimination Act 1977

Standards include:

  • United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child

  • Child Safe Standards


This policy will be available on The Still Space website.

Feedback and complaints

The Still Space believes that all children, young people, and families should have a right to a confidential, empowering feedback and complaint process.

This process ensures that:

  • All children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them, and are taken seriously.

  • Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing through a confidential complaints process.

To facilitate this process feedback is requested via an online, anonymous form at the end of every term program. This survey is provided directly to the parent/carer of the child via the registered email address, and it is encouraged that this form is completed by the parent/carer in consultation with their child.

All feedback is then reviewed, and any complaints will be handled professionally, in accordance with The Still Space complaints review process to ensure the ongoing utmost care and respect for children and young people attending programs at the studio.


This policy will be reviewed annually and after any critical incidents, should they arise. The Owner of Still with Sammy, Samantha Joan Wynn is responsible for ensuring the review takes place. Annual evaluations will include feedback and input from parents, carers, children, and young people as required.

Supervision of children

Children will be supervised by the Teacher throughout the class. Class numbers are capped at a maximum of 8 to allow appropriate and attentive supervision to be given to each child.

Should a child need to leave the studio to attend the bathroom contained within the building of 1/1033 Old Princes Highway, Engadine NSW 2233, then the child will be sent with a peer to allow supervision to be maintained of the other children within the studio and to ensure to safety of the child attending the toilet.

It is strongly encouraged that all children attend to, as best as possible, their toileting needs prior to the class to avoid them having to leave the studio throughout the duration of the class.

Managing drop offs and pick ups

Parents and/or carers are responsible for the drop off and pick up of their children to the studio. Should the parents and/or carer run late to pick up their child after class they are to call the teacher on 0420 975 517 to advise of their late arrival. The teacher will ensure they stay with the child until the parent/carer arrives. The parent/carer should make every effort to arrive on time as it is common that their many be classes following the scheduled class that the child attends. If a following class is to commence before the child has been picked up, they will be required to remain within the studio until the parent/carer arrives.

Child/ren will not be permitted to leave the studio until the teacher has physically sighted the parent/or carer. Child/ ren will not be permitted to leave the studio with a sibling/ friend unless permission has been granted in writing or verbally to the Teacher directly from the parent/ or carer.

Online communication, social media, photography, and the use of images

All online communication (except for online mindful art classes) will be conducted via the registered email address of the parent/carer. This includes but is not limited to registration confirmations, class reminders, program feedback forms and any other communication deemed needed and appropriate.

Any imagery taken of the children while participating in any programs at The Still Space will only be done so with permission (either online or written) by the parent/carer of the child.

The children will also be asked verbally during the class if they are comfortable with their photos being taken and will have the option to not be included in any imagery, even if their parents have given their permission for the child to be included.

Any imagery taken may be shared on The Still Space website and social media accounts with the written permission of the parent/carer which will be obtained during the registration process.

Physical contact with children

There will be no physical contact between the teacher and child throughout any class or program at The Still Space. The only exception to this rule is if physical touch is needed to assist in the event of a medical need or emergency in which case, if possible, the teacher will ask the child’s permission to assist them.

Any assistance that is required in the case of a medical need or emergency will be disclosed to the parent/carer and handled in accordance with The Still Space illness and injury management policy.

Illness and injury management

All children, in the care of The Still Space have a right to be in a safe environment where their health and wellbeing is of the utmost importance. Below are the guideline by which The Still Space ensures this is always adhered to:

  • The studio is a nut free environment.

  • All medical needs of the child, including but not limited to allergies, asthmas, epilepsy, mobility needs are to be disclosed to The Still Space upon registration in any class, program, or workshop at the studio or online.

  • The parent/carer will be required to complete a permission form to allow The Still Space to call emergency services for the child if needed

  • The parent/carer will provide two emergency contacts for each child.

  • The parent/carer will disclose any behavioural needs that may impact the ability of the child to engage with components of the class, program, or workshop. This will allow The Still Space to tailor class plans, activities, and materials to ensure the inclusivity of the child.

  • Any injuries will be logged and documented to be reviewed as part of the ongoing review of this child safety policy.

Mandatory reporting

The Still Space is legally obligated to be a mandatory reporter for all children up until the age of 15 years.

Mandatory reporting outlines the following guidelines:

A report will be made to Communities and Justice (DCJ) when there are current concerns about the safety, welfare, and wellbeing of a child for any of the following reasons:

  • The basic physical or psychological needs of the child or young person are not being met (neglect).

  • The parents or caregivers have not arranged necessary medical care for the child or young person (unwilling or unable to do so).

  • The parents or caregivers have not arranged for the child or young person to receive an education in accordance with the Education Act 1990 (unwilling or unable to do so).

  • Risk of physical or sexual abuse or ill-treatment.

  • Parent or caregiver’s behaviour towards the child causes or risks serious psychological harm (emotional abuse).

  • Incidents of domestic violence and as a consequence a child or young person is at risk of serious physical or psychological harm (domestic or family violence).

  • The child was the subject in a prenatal report and the birth mother did not engage successfully with support services.

Please note: It’s mandatory to make a report if the child is 0 to 15 years and at risk of significant harm.

It’s not mandatory to make a report if it is an unborn child, or a young person aged 16- 17.

These conditions are not specific to The Still Space but rather are enforced by State and Federal law.

Appendix One

NSW Child Safe Standards

1. Child safety is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture

2. Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously

3. Families and communities are informed and involved

4. Equity is upheld and diverse needs are taken into account

5. People working with children are suitable and supported

6. Processes to respond to complaints of child abuse are child-focused

7. Staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training

8. Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur

9. Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved

10. Policies and procedures document how the organisation is child safe.